Extra Curricular
Student Leadership Council
Kindersley Composite School has a variety of clubs for students to become involved in.
The Student Leadership Council (SLC) meets each Wednesday during the noon hour. Our student leaders are responsible for organizing spirit events, pep rallies, holiday activities and other fun things that take place in our school. Our SLC also does a great deal of giving back to our community, our province and the world. Each year we pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, donate fresh vegetables, food items and money to our local food bank and food hamper program, raise thousands of dollars for cancer research during our Think Pink week, donate items to the Lighthouse in Saskatoon and donate to Telemiracle with our Talent Night Telemiracle to name a few. Our students attend provincial and national leadership conferences each year, and learn how to make our school and community a better place. No matter what your passion or talent, we would love to have you on our team! It's never too late in the year to become a member of the SLC. For more information, please contact SLC advisors:
Heidi Marchant: heidi.marchant@sunwestsd.ca
Deavin Vanthuyne: deavin.vanthuyne@sunwestsd.ca
Karen Barrows: karen.barrows@sunwestsd.ca
Cross Country Running
The KCS Cross-country team starts running from September to mid-October. The team usually attends 4-5 meets each season, including districts and provincials in October. The team is run by Mrs. Coles and Mrs. Ross. It is a short, but intense season with practices running Mondays through Thursdays for about 5 weeks at the start of the school year.
KCS Kobras Football is the largest team sport KCS has to offer, with a roster consisting of 30 or more players. All KCS students and Gr.8 Elizabeth students are welcome and encouraged to come out for spring camp and give football a try in a contact light and informative environment. Spring camp runs for one week and takes place sometime between the end of May and start of June. At spring camp, football fundamentals are introduced and reinforced by our experienced coaching staff with the help of our graduating senior players. All equipment is provided except for workout clothes, a pair of cleats, and a mouth guard, which the students are expected to bring to the first day of spring camp.
The official season starts at the end of August, usually around August 22. This is an intense time for the athletes, as the coaches work them hard to prepare for their first game. It can be challenging for new members of the team, but any player will tell you the effort is well worth the result. The team plays in a 6-man league against other surrounding communities such as Rosetown, Outlook, Davidson, Clavet, Biggar, and Unity. Any player interested in giving football a try can talk to Mr. Lehman, who can usually be found in his office in the Carpentry shop.